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An autumn view of The Savill Garden.

Park map & guide

Windsor Great Park is part of the operational Windsor Estate that covers around 1,942 hectares (4,800 acres). Once a vast Norman hunting forest, Windsor Great Park is now enjoyed by millions of visitors each year as a place to enjoy their favourite outdoor activity.

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Sharing the space together

We want everyone who visits Windsor Great Park to have a safe and enjoyable experience.

To help achieve this, we ask you to follow a few simple rules designed to protect you, other visitors, and the unique habitats of this historic Estate.

Public access to Windsor Great Park and Forest is governed by bylaws which can be viewed here.

Before you visit, please watch the short video and review the rules below.

Stay safe

Respect other Park users

Protect this unique and ancient environment

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Please be courteous to our people

Our team manage Windsor Great Park and safeguard the public. Please co-operate with them fully.

The Crown Estate will not tolerate any form of abuse towards our people whilst they are engaged in their duties and will take action with visitors who do not respect their reasonable requests.

Discover more

These useful links will help you make the most of your visit to Windsor Great Park.

Windsor Great Park
Windsor Great Park

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The Crown Estate is a unique business with a diverse portfolio that stretches across the country. We actively manage our assets in line with our purpose: to create lasting and shared prosperity for the nation.

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