Windsor Great Park with Windsor Castle in the background.

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question and haven’t quite found the answer, then please either use the search bar at the top right hand corner of this page or select a topic below and see if our list can help.

Windsor Great Park

Is there a map of Windsor Great Park?

View the Windsor Great Park map & guide.

Are there rules and regulations outlining what I can, and cannot do in Windsor Great Park?

View and download the Windsor Great Park Regulations 1973.

Download the Windsor Great Park Regulations
Can I pay with cash?

Payment across the Windsor Estate is by debit or credit card only.

What is the most healthy food for the ducks?

We have several lakes and lots of waterbirds nesting in Windsor Great Park. It is great fun to bring your children along and feed the ducks but here is some helpful information about the most healthy snacks for our feathered friends.

Can I get married at Windsor Great Park?

Sorry, but we do not hold a licence to conduct wedding ceremonies at Windsor Great Park. For wedding and celebration ideas in Windsor, take a look here.

How can I contact Windsor Great Park?

Windsor Great Park Illuminated

How do I book for Windsor Great Park Illuminated?

All information and links for Windsor Great Park Illuminated can be found here.

I am a Friend of The Savill Garden or a Member of Windsor Great Park, how do I book and secure my one free car parking pass?

Guidance for Friends and Members is available here including:

  • How to book
  • Where to enter your membership number
  • How to redeem your one (1) free car parking pass connected to your membership
My Membership number is not working when I try to book.

There are a few reasons why your membership number is not working:

  • You have already made a booking. Your membership only gives you one (1) discount of a free parking space
  • Please use the membership number on your membership card
  • New memberships are updated by the event organisers weekly every Monday. If you purchased your membership in the last week you will not be able to book until the following Tuesday

For further assistance, you can submit a request to customer service here, or call 0208 233 5400.

I cannot find my membership number for my Windsor Great Park or Friend of The Savill Garden Membership.

Your membership number can be found on the front of your photo ID membership card. If you are in possession of an old style membership card you will need to replace the card. This can be done at The Savill Garden Visitor Centre or Virginia Water Pavilion shop.

How do I add additional tickets to my order after purchase?

If you have already purchased tickets for Windsor Great Park Illuminated but would like to add more entry tickets or car parking passes to your order, you can do so from the website.

You will require:

  • The order reference number included in your original confirmation email
  • The email address you used to purchase your tickets
Who do I contact if I have any questions about Windsor Great Park Illuminated?

If you have a question about your advance booked ticket/s and car parking please take a look here

You will be able to see how to:

  • Contact See Tickets customer service
  • Resend your confirmation email
  • Add additional tickets or car parking to your existing booking
  • Print off your booking so that you can gift it to someone else
  • Contact the event organisers
If I am visiting The Savill Garden or the Great Park on the event days do I need to leave by 4.30pm?

Members, Friends and Visitors will be able to enter the Great Park up to 4pm during the event days. This is the normal time for entry to the Park in the Winter season. You will be able to exit as normal as long as it is before dusk.

Are tickets available for groups?

If you are attending as part of a large group and plan to travel by coach, please note that coach parking spaces are available on Off Peak days only.

Coach parking is £20.

To book your coach space please contact SeeTickets Groups team:

Email: [email protected]

Call: 0844 412 4650

Windsor Farm Shop

Re-heating guidelines for Pies, Pasties and Samosas
Food typeCooking timeGas mark°F (Fahrenheit)°C (Celsius)Fan oven
Large pies35-40 minutes4350175160
Medium pies30-35 minutes4350175160
Small pies20-25 minutes4350175160
Pasties20-25 minutes4350175160
Samosas15-20 minutes4350175160

Re-heating guidelines will vary depending on your type of oven. Please ensure that food is heated all the way through.


Returning an item to The Savill Garden or Virginia Water Gift Shop.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase please return it to us in its original condition with a valid receipt within 28 days and we will either refund or exchange the item at our discretion.

Your statutory rights remain unaffected.

What are the opening hours for the Village Shop?

Subject to change, the opening hours for the Village Shop are as follows:

Monday – Thursday

7.30am – 4pm


7.30am – 1pm

Saturday and Sunday



Hours for 2024 to be confirmed.


How do I apply for an annual car park membership for Buttersteep Rise and Swinley Park?
How do I apply for a carriage driving membership?


The Windsor Estate is held in much affection by many and, as such, we receive a significant number of requests for the placement of memorial benches, trees and plaques for loved ones.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate all the requests. Therefore, to be fair to everyone, we have taken the decision to stop any future memorials and donations of items for placement on the Estate.

The Windsor Estate does however permit the scattering of ashes within Windsor Great Park. More information about this can be viewed below.

Scattering ashes in Windsor Great Park

The Windsor Estate does permit the scattering of ashes in Windsor Great Park with the exception of The Savill Garden and any private areas of the Estate. No charge is levied for the scattering of ashes.

The Windsor Estate appreciates that this activity is often very personal, difficult and sensitive and the utmost respect and privacy will be shown to all concerned. However, there are several important provisos which need to be taken into account and which are best made clear at the outset –

  • No temporary or permanent monuments, vases of flowers or other mementoes of any kind are permitted at the site
  • Very large or formal rituals cannot be accommodated. A simple ceremony with a limited number of participants is acceptable
  • The ashes, must be scattered in the long grass and not on freshly mown grass. Once scattered, they will not be deliberately disturbed but, inevitably, the weather and standard landscape and horticultural practices will result in disturbance over time
  • Ashes must be scattered rather than left in larger, more visible, piles
  • Ashes must not be scattered near or on any lake or body of water
  • Other members of the public have access to all areas of Windsor Great Park in which ashes may be scattered, and this cannot, in any way, be altered or affected
  • The agreement to permit the scattering of ashes does not provide for any other privilege such as any driving in Windsor Great Park, free entry to car parks or Gardens, or out of hours admission into Windsor Great Park

Assuming these conditions are acceptable please contact us with the following information:

  • The number of people involved
  • The nature of the ceremony
  • The suggested time and date
  • The specific area involved

Please complete the application form to scatter ashes contacting us at least ten (10) working days prior to when you wish to visit Windsor Great Park. 

The Windsor Estate reserves the right to refuse permission for this activity should any element be deemed unacceptable.

Windsor Great Park
Windsor Great Park

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