Windsor Great Park Equestrian Club. Rider on a horse.

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Windsor Great Park Equestrian Club

Windsor Great Park Equestrian Club (WPEC) was formed in 1979 at the behest of, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

The first competitions were held in 1971 and consisted of show jumping, ridden dressage and competitive carriage driving.

WPEC run 7 unaffiliated ridden dressage and carriage driving competitions over each summer within the glorious setting of the Deer Park in Windsor Great Park. We welcome all levels of competitors to come and enjoy the scenery with like minded equestrians.

The ridden dressage events are held on the Sunday in a quiet area of the Deer Park, away from the carriage drivers.

Horse & Carriage and two riders in a field.


+44 (0)7783 349167

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